In a novel initiative to improve education standards of tribal children,
Sevalaya proposes to set up education resource centres in tribal villages.
The centres will be equipped with smart class boards, Internet facility,
audio-visual equipment, books and so on to bring them up-to-date with
modern education. The education resource centres would also act as
a multipurpose centre where a number of educational and awareness
activities would be taken up to empower the students and the
communities. Instead of expecting children to move out of their villages
and tribes, we reach to them and respect their space and culture. The
children are provided with quality education completely free of cost.
Sponsorship : Education Resource Center
Budget : ₹6.37 lacs/per centre
Beneficiaries : 25 students
The traditional lifestyle of the tribal community hinges around farm-
based occupation or working in plantations in Gudalur, is poised for a
gentle shift. Sevalaya’s Samaritan Mahakavi Bharathiyar Community
College aims at providing the girls & women with quality vocational
training in tailoring, preparing them for the job market.
Course : Tailoring
Budget for operating exp. : ₹13.20 lacs per year
Beneficiaries : 120 students
Reaching 10+ tribal villages creating awareness on health, sanitation and
hygiene towards improving health outcomes and also delivering free and
quality medical camps 5 days per week to the villagers at their doorsteps
Location : Gudalur, Nilgiris District
Project Budget Operating Expenses : ₹16.5 lacs per year
Beneficiaries : 3,000 tribals
Samaritan Gramodharan Samithy, a 10 bedded hospital in Gudalur,
Nilgiris District serving the local and tribal villagers. The hospital is
equipped with facilities including 1 Intensive care bed, 1 Operation
theatre, 1 Delivery suite, Scan, ECG, X- ray unit, Laboratory and
Pharmacy. The health services are provided free of cost. On an average
the footfall in the hospital is 90+ patients per day from 40+ villages. 3000
patients receive treatment, per month. We spend ₹300/- per patient.
The total operational cost is ₹1.08cr.
Project : Free Health care To Tribal Community
Budget for operating exp : ₹1.08 Crore
Beneficiaries : 36,000